I rest my eyes inside your soul
And listen to your stories
Some are new and some are old
So many more yet to be told
I rest my eyes inside your soul
As you walk with Mother Earth
Across hot sands and wooded lands
So many moons ago
Your soul is filled with love and tears
Of a thousand births and deaths
Of war and peace, victories and defeat
The stories you tell my dear
Tired feet and blistered soles
Through many ages you've walked
A long way travelled as your story unravels
This journey of your soul
Your history recorded, happy or morbid
Lessons learned, each take their turn
Each negative and positive thought
Is everything that you are
You've come along way, embraced each day
For each step is divinely timed
Your heart whispers truth, may love be your fruit
May you be filled with joy, I pray.
Sherry Carter Irvine – February 24, 2014